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RobboLito 0.09 x64 -vs- Rybka 3 mp x64 (3 Cores)
Blitz Tournament 14 Top Engines
Robbo 0.085d2 w32 won chess games
RobboLito 0.85d2 x86 test results [стр: 1 2 3 All]
FireBird testing [стр: 1 2 3 4 5 6 All]
RobboLito 0.85d2 x86 lost chess games
IvanHoe Testing [стр: 1 2 3 4 5 All]
funny opening variant, game
Top SP Engines: 40/3 repeating
the best of ippolit family:
Top 15 engines tournament 4xRR
how engines play petroff without opening book
DF 12 (1 cpu) is stronger than F12
some engines test tourney
Very strange Naum 4.1 lost to Rybka at rook odds
Test suite arasan12.epd for 4 engines
2 tests sets X64 and 4 engines.
Some J2010 testing [стр: 1 2 All]

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