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Журналы ChessBase Magazine

Renegat23: Электронный шахматный журнал ChessBase Magazine. В каждом номере аналитические обзоры, лучшие партии с комментариями гроссмейстеров и т.д. В архивах только базы в формате *.cbh. № 1-2 № 3-75 (48 mb) № 105-115 (37 mb) № 116, № 117, № 118, № 119, № 120, № 121, № 122, № 123, № 124, № 125 № 126, зеркало № 127, зеркало № 128 № 129 № 130 № 131 № 132 № 133 - 12.2009 № 134 Комплект CBM 128-132

Ответов - 216, стр: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 All

lg280349: CBM133_122009_PPC_FILES : http://www.mediafire.com/?re1dytzuzwj Enjoy!

pawaso: And Rogozenco files? Please!

никел: lg280349, I hope you are a patient man

pawaso: And I hope you are a patient man :)

ico: For integrity ...133!Start pls

lg280349: CBM133_122009_OVERVIEW.part1.rar http://www.mediafire.com/?zmmzidwyx2u CBM133_122009_OVERVIEW.part2.rar http://www.mediafire.com/?jzmkzwzmk0n Two Rogozenko intro files .... and.... .........as a bonus : Mueller intro file ! Yes .... I am really patient man ! ( I hope you don't need paper edition CBM 133 ) Enjoy !

pawaso: Thank you very much !!!!

lg280349: Start! folder with bonus videos in Fritz Trainer folder : are here : ( 1.27 GB ) http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=6901536fb3f8ca63391d7d881749d3a72636f2e6b956d12d4d71ee60c1ce7296 (CBM133 START_FRITZ_TRAINER.part01.rar ..... till CBM133 START_FRITZ_TRAINER.part07.rar) Enjoy!

Flash: Thank you! :)

high.hopes: Hi lg280349 thanks a lot for the fantastic contribution. I am getting some errors when I extract the Fritz Trainer file (some of the files are corrupt). Specifically parts 1, 3 and 4 seem to be damaged. I tried extracting with winrar and 7zip with the same result. Would it be too much if you would re-upload those files. Thank you very much.

lg280349: I will do it on Monday (14.12.2009). Sorry for troubles ! Best regards GL280349

dekstump: Thanks very much for the big contribution. You can save yourself a lot of work by just re-upping these 3 files: CBM133 START_FRITZ_TRAINER.part01.rar: CRC failed in 133Fritztrainer.html\CBM 133 Collins - Serbian League4.wmv. CBM133 START_FRITZ_TRAINER.part03.rar: CRC failed in 133!Start.html\01 Elementare Funktionen.wmv. CBM133 START_FRITZ_TRAINER.part04.rar: CRC failed in 133!Start.html\04 fritztrainer-eng.wmv. They are the only ones that are corrupt. Check first. Perhaps the original files are bad. Thanks again.

high.hopes: lg280349: Could you upload the files dekstump mentioned above when you have a chance? Thanks a lot.

Konstruktor: Кто может выложить ChessBase Magazine №1-2?

Lex: Konstruktor пишет: Кто может выложить ChessBase Magazine №1-2? [hideguest]12[/hideguest]

mb2: Thanks For your superb contibution!! If you have Cbm from 128-134 Can you pls upload their theory section,Strategy,Opening endgames?Tactics etc. Thanks in advance

vik8117: Почему при просмотре CBM появляются иероглифы 4.¤f3 Ґe7 5.Ґg2 , а на шахматной доске буквенные обозначения фигур? Можно ли это исправить и как?

lg280349: Please find all three corrupted files here: CBM_133_CORRUPTED FILES.rar http://www.mediafire.com/?wgyozfh0mmu Best regards, GL280349

lg280349: Here is (first) my present for all of you : ( to this excellent forum ) CBM60_133_ENDGAME.rar http://www.mediafire.com/?ozyjydyzz0j CBM55_133_SEPARATE_THEORY.rar http://www.mediafire.com/?dn4gom2umc4 CBM69_133_THEORY_COMPLETE.rar (added old CBM55_CBM68) http://www.mediafire.com/?v0n2ydmhytn CBM69_133_STRATEGY.rar http://www.mediafire.com/?wick3ymwnon CBM69_133_TACTICS.rar http://www.mediafire.com/?zgai3nz2kdy ( all files WITHOUT videos consuming time and space ) ! My intention was, to give you a lot of data for training ! Best regards, GL280349

Vladik: 133!Start (complets files and folder) pls

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