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Goranflo: Так как на этом ресурсе часто и много встречаются разные шахматные "вкусности", решил открыть ветку, посвященную Демоноиду. click here

Ответов - 186, стр: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 All

Goranflo: Renegat23 пишет: Горанфло, там 5я версия тома С? Если да, то это хорошо, я не мог найти в сети последние тома в формате чессбазы. Там, наверное, файл небольшой. Может скачаете с торрента и выложите на обменник сам файл? Вечером выложу

Goranflo: Renegat23 , как ты читал? Цитирую: C fourth edition (someone has latest fifth edition?) том С ЧЕТВЕРТАЯ (!!!) редакция (есть ли у кого-нибудь пятая?) Внимательнее читай...

Goranflo: Название: Engines.pro.iso.rar Размер: 28.33 кб Доступен до: 2007-08-30 20:27:20 Ссылка для скачивания файла: http://ifolder.ru/2854974

Goranflo: Old Chess Books Vol. 2 Much like Old Chess Books - from googlebooks and archive.org What is contained: Gioachino Greco on the game of Chess - Greco (and del Rio) Greco's games, thought mostly to be analysis; also contains a book by del Rio Morphy's Games - Lowenthal Annotated Morphy games, personally I think this is better than Sargent's work Analysis of the Game of Chess - Philidor Philidor's famous work Exploits and Triumphs in Europe of Paul Morphy A chess history peice Letters On chess Details chess history from Lucena to mid 19th Century The Works of Damiano, Ruy Lopes, and Salvio -ed. by Sarette What the title says Paul Morphy: His Later Life - Buck Another chess history piece A selection of games actually played by McDonnell A collection of unannotated mcDonnell games includes his famous matches with LaBourdannais A Second Series of Lessons on the Game of Chess - Lewis McDonnell was Lewis's pupil; just another instructional manual A Treatise on the Game of Chess - Cochrane Shows several things, but most importantly shows how to play at odds (much like staunton's "companion") A treatise on the game of chess - Lewis I think this might be the prequel to the other book of his included, I haven't read much of this one yet Enjoy! Ill seed for a few days Requests: Does anybody have any of these books, if so please seed Tal's Life and Games Bobby Fischer: His Approach - Elie Agur Kramnik: Life and Games Size: 68.98 MB Название: Old_Chess_Books_Vol_2_o-Demonoid.com-o_4360545.7742.torrent Размер: 11.82 кб Доступен до: 2007-08-30 21:10:37 Ссылка для скачивания файла: http://ifolder.ru/2855530

Goranflo: http://www.demonoid.com/files/download/HTTP/1278531/3061751 The Famous Chess book by M. Tal. Life and Games of Mikhail Tal is a good read for any chess lover. Size: 7.86 MB

Goranflo: http://www.demonoid.com/files/download/HTTP/1262294/12247004 Well, here's the latest download on Demonoid, modified to almost 1/10th of it's original size. It still has everything but the chessbase reader (we're beyond that right?) and video stream.... Size: 100.34 MB

Goranflo: News Chess Ebooks http://www.demonoid.com/files/download/HTTP/1281326/18370506 news chess ebooks in languaje russian. I find on internet this ebooks and share with you. Soon I will upload one translate russian - english for fans of chess. Enjoy. Size: 154.06 MB

Goranflo: Kings Indian Attack 2 Books + Chessbase Trainer http://www.demonoid.com/files/download/HTTP/1282133/9185253 For those of you who want to play KI with white: Attacking with 1 e4 (J. Emms) (Everyman).pdf see chapter 2 on KIA against French Angus Dunnington - The Ultimate King's Indian Attack.pdf King's Indian Attack - Don Maddox.zip Chessbase Trainer CD King's Indian Attack - Artikel from CBM118 Size: 52.85 MB

Goranflo: Chess - Collection of chess movies/docs http://www.demonoid.com/files/download/HTTP/1282189/27555759 От сидера: Here are some chess movies for your enjoyment. It is a big torrent but you do not have to download all of them. You can select which files you want to download in your torrentclient. This torrent includes the following movies/docs/tvrips: - Garry Kasparov , my story (split into 5 parts.) - Fischer-Spasski documentary - Kasparov-karpov Lyon - Game Over-Kasparov and the Machine - Searching for Bobby Fischer - The history of computer chess - Bobby Fischer - Anything to Win - Garry Kasparov TvRip I hope you enloy it. greetings from Holland David edit: Hmm It seems I have internet connection problems all the sudden. I could not up or download and had to reset the modem. it happened for the thirth time now. I never have these problems. It started when I disabled the cap on my upload. strange..... I put the cap back on and hope the problems are over as I will leave my home in a few hours and cannot check *edit* Seems everything is working ok now. I can safely leave Size: 5.82 GB

Goranflo: Pirc and Modern Defense - 4 Books + 1 Trainer http://www.demonoid.com/files/download/HTTP/1282222/6123502 For the tournament player, this selection on Pirc and Modern! (chess book)the complete pirc-john Nunn.pdf (oldie) Alburt & Chernin, Pirc Alert!.pdf (top book,chernin is world class!) Chess ebook - Jon Speelman - Modern Defence.pdf Chess-Persson, Tiger Hillarp - Tiger's Modern.pdf (tiger is worldclass to,..in the modern) Norwood, David - Winning With the Modern .pdf (oldie too, see what is changed!) Chessbase Trainer CD on Pirc by Alexsei Lugovoi + 3 small artikels Size: 97.16 MB

Goranflo: Chessbase Fritz Trainer - Queens Pawn Openings 2007 http://www.demonoid.com/files/download/HTTP/1284616/18370506 ... it's new product ChessBase (see http://www.chessbase.com/shop/product.asp?pid=332) ....that's not all: after summer holidays also thanks to 2 my best "chess-friends" we'll share another 2 products: on Maroczy System (http://www.chessbase.com/shop/product.asp?pid=333) and Alekhine (http://www.chessbase.com/shop/product.asp?pid=334) ....Does anyone will share the last three (until now) products (http://www.chessbase.com/shop/product.asp?pid=331 & http://www.chessbase.com/shop/product.asp?pid=335 & http://www.chessbase.com/shop/product.asp?pid=329)? I hope ... Size: 1.73 GB

immortal223: Если всё это скачать (выложенное на Демоноиде) и хоть процентов 10 выучить, то можно смело вызывать Крамника на матч! Такие объёмы информации...

Toha: Goranflo Demonoid у меня не выходит качать. Тямы не хватает видимо. А нельзя ли слить куда-нибудь Chessbase Fritz Trainer - Queens Pawn Openings 2007 ? Оччень нужно.

Goranflo: Toha пишет: Goranflo Demonoid у меня не выходит качать. Тямы не хватает видимо. А нельзя ли слить куда-нибудь Chessbase Fritz Trainer - Queens Pawn Openings 2007 ? Оччень нужно. Я такие объемы не потяну...

Toha: Goranflo пишет: Я такие объемы не потяну... Size: 1.73 GB Интересно, почеиу такой большой объем?Может ошибка?

Goranflo: Toha пишет: Интересно, почеиу такой большой объем?Может ошибка? Никакой ошибки... Я сам первым делом проверил, можно ли оттуда скачать только базу. Увы, там образ двд-диска...

Janis: Toha, большую часть занимают видео ролики которые на английском и немецком. Вырежу ролики и залью когда будет время.

Toha: Janis пишет: Вырежу ролики и залью когда будет время. Заранее спасибо

chesssenior: Toha пишет: А нельзя ли слить куда-нибудь Chessbase Fritz Trainer - Queens Pawn Openings 2007 ? нашел вариант всего 200 мб только базы правда не могу понять почему так много ,но всеже меньше образа раз в 8 тяну через пару часов закончу

Goranflo: chesssenior пишет: нашел вариант всего 200 мб только базы Скорее всего это "видео-лесс", то есть без видео. Но там могут быть, например, картинки и скорее всего большая книга по варианту..

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