Ôîðóì » » Here is the list of .. » Îòâåòèòü

Here is the list of ..

giarageai: Here is the list of some Fritz trainers I have : [hideguest]Fritz trainers[/hideguest] Tell me those you want I upload.

Îòâåòîâ - 53, ñòð: 1 2 3 All

illuminat: Hello, it would be great if you could upload following Trainers: ABC of the Sicilian Dragon - Andrew Martin Thank you in advance! Greetings Illuminat

Kir: Path to tactical strength by Kasym, please.

giarageai: Ok! You'll have the link here tomorrow

Quillyr: The Pirc and the Power Play series would be great! please.

high.hopes: Could you please upload the following: Abc of the Sicilian Dragon - A. Martin Alapin Variation - Tiviakov Anti-Dutch - A. Martin Path to tactical strength - R. Kasimdzhanov Sveshnikov Variation - Van Weyl Systems against Queen's pawn openings - A. Martin A World Champion’s Guide to Petroff defence - R. Kasimdzhanov Thanks a lot!!

high.hopes: The Pirc and the Power Play series are already uploaded to Mediafire here [hideguest]http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=7fef3909b0a76f8495af63b7d44918aa4ed989073b9d5fd1[/hideguest] Cheers!

Quillyr: Thanks High Hopes!

giarageai: All requests will be satisfied, even if my connection is'nt very efficient.

gazda: I did not find Bogo-Indian Boris Schipkov in the list. Do you have it also?

giarageai: I have it, but it's not a Fritz trainer as we know today with video. It's rather like the excellent Everyman e-books. If you want it, of course, I'll upload it for you.

immortal223: [hideguest]Pleaze, hide all «non-free» links under the tag [hideguest ][/hideguest ][/hideguest] (the button #16 in the second row)

giarageai: The link for : [hideguest]ABC of the Sicilian Dragon - Andrew Martin [/hideguest]

giarageai: I tried to use [hideguest][/hideguest] but it had no effects on the text of my last post. Can it be used for URL ?

immortal223: giarageai ïèøåò: I tried to use [hideguest] but it had no effects on the text of my last post. Can it be used for URL ?

giarageai: [hideguest]Path to tactical strength - Fritz trainer - R. Kasimdzhanov Bogo Indian[/hideguest]

giarageai: Hello immortal223 I did what you show but no effects. If you edit my last post you can see that [hideguest][/hideguest] is used. May be I made a mistake

Azaad: giarageai You have used the hideguest tag correctly . You can see the links because you are logged in .

giarageai: Of course !!! I'm stupid! Thank you Azaad

Kir: Thanks giarageai, great job. May I join high.hopes in the request for Alapin Variation - Tiviakov and A World Champion’s Guide to Petroff defence - R. Kasimdzhanov. Have a very pleasant day.

giarageai: Here is Sveshnikov : [hideguest]Sveshnikov[/hideguest] Next will be : [hideguest]Alapin[/hideguest]

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