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ChessOK Aquarium 2010

Renegat23: ChessOK Aquarium 2010 http://www.chessok.com Rybka Aquarium 2010-мощнейший аналитический шахматный модуль.Является уникальным по концепции и содержанию. Включает новые возможности анализа не содержащиеся в Чесс Ассистенте. Ворвался более года назад на шахматный рынок . Концепция модуля проста: Вобрать в себя как можно больше полезных опций из Чесс Ассистент при этом оставаясь более "легковесным" и в тоже время иметь уникальные опции что делает этот модуль с каждой новой версией все привлекательнее для большой аудитории как любителей так и профессионалов нуждающихся в новом аналитическом инструменте который соответствовал бы реалиям нового десятилетия. Поскольку здесь невозможно (да и ненужно) перечислить очень подробно все особенности продукта дадим лишь краткий ОБЗОР возможностей новой программы на английском. Краткий обзор: Short description: [more] * Deep Rybka 3 - 2008 World Computer Chess champion. Deep Rybka 3 engine can be also used in Fritz and other chess programs * Analyze and annotate your games with Aquarium's advanced analysis methods. * Databases with fast searches * Powerful and fast chess trees * Play against the computer * Publish your chess text: Print, word processor or web * Free internet chess server access for playing against chess players all over the world * Database: 4,400,000 games (up to November 1, 2009). Lightning fast database searches. Chessbase/Fritz CBH format (reads and converts), Chess Assistant CDP, PGN and EPD databases * Full Windows 7 (32 & 64 bit) and Vista compatibility. [/more] Что нового в Аквариуме 4 What's New in Aquarium 4: [more] * More powerful Interactive Deep Analysis (IDeA): Multi-engine, local or remote analysis, multiple analysis projects, multiple root positions and more. One of the biggest changes in Rybka Aquarium 2010 is the greatly improved Interactive Deep Analysis (IDeA). Many players were happy with the possibilities offered by IDeA in Rybka 3 Aquarium, but I'm afraid that it will look like a dinosaur compared to the new version. It provides better automatic analysis and much more effective ways to control the analysis process and the shape of the analysis tree. I'm sure that many serious players will find that the new and improved IDeA is an essential tool to stay competitive: o Analyzing with many engines o Analyzing on a network of computers o Multiple IDeA projects analyzed in parallel o Multiple analysis "roots" for a single project o Shaping the analysis tree o Move repetition detection o Automatic backup of analysis trees o Browsing the analysis queue * Greatly enhanced database capabilities. Increased speed when searching and converting databases. * Interactive Chess Books or iBooks. Read more >>> * New and enhanced publishing features. Publish interactive chess content on web pages and blogs (also supported on the Rybka Forum). The iBook format supports both small and large publications, from a single chess puzzle to a fully featured books with hundreds of pages. Publish as iBooks or convert to a word processor format. Animated GIFs with graphical annotations can be published on web pages and blogs. * Full Windows 7 (32 & 64 bit) and Vista compatibility. * We'll continue releasing our popular free updates with new features. * Great support forum rybkaforum.net monitored by the developers. [/more] Особенности: Features: [more] Aquarium is a modern graphical user interface (GUI) designed for Rybka with full support for its features, including randomizer matches, persistent hash and sampled search. Analysis methods * New Interactive Deep Analysis (IDeA) – a new and advanced approach to analysis * Variable multi-variation analysis (evaluation limited) * Infinite Analysis * Game Analysis * Find Blunders * Batch analysis of selected positions Play against computer * Play chess against the computer (any installed engine) from any position with flexible time controls * Tournament or Fun mode with hints and drawbacks * Automatic rating calculation * Material handicaps and rating handicaps (ELO 700-2400) with rating based opening book * Chess960/Fischerandom games * Blindfold and semi-blindfold games Openings books and trees * State of the art chess trees (fast, powerful, compact) * Advanced opening book creation and modification * Fast and flexible move coloring system * User defined move color priority (play only experimental moves where available etc.) * Combine several trees into one tree configuration for unprecedented flexibility * Use a discarded moves tree to mask certain moves or opening systems from being played * Multiple, reusable discarded moves trees * Add comments to trees – even visual annotations * Build trees from a list of games Databases * A database with over 4 400 000 games * Very fast searches. * An opening book for chess engines * A special rating handicap opening book for playing against the computer Internet accessible data * On-line access to Nalimov endgame tablebases (3-6 pieces) * Free online play * Free Internet chess server access * Chess Resource Server * A new approach to program and database updates * Automatic program updates * Automatic database updates * Updates to other Aquarium related data User data exchange * iBooks * A powerful system for publishing chess texts in print and on the web * Suitable for short texts (e.g. for a blog entry) as well as books containing hundreds of pages * Images, diagrams (both full and partial), visual annotations * Full flexibility in arranging order of pages, sections etc. until the document is published * Printing and web publishing * Print one or more games with annotations * Publish games on the web with JavaScript replay option * Blog export with support for Blogger.com Chess Engines * Chess engine support: Universal Chess Interface (UCI) protocol, WinBoard protocol * There are hundreds of free and commercial chess engines are available and can be easily managed within Aquarium * Install all engines from a selected directory with the click of a button * Various engine tournaments and matches capabilities: o Round robin and Swiss system tournaments o Blitz, Tournament, Time/move and fixed-depth time controls o Flexible opening book selection o User defined starting position in tournaments and matches o Optionally use EPD file with starting positions for matches Compatibility * Compatible with all recent Windows systems * Compatible with single core/multi-core systems [/more] На сайте разработчиков вы также можете прочитать подробно на английском обзоры и статьи: [more]* Interactive Deep Analysis (IDeA) With Rybka Aquarium 2010 * Aquarium's Hidden Treasures * iBook Examples * Dadi Jonsson «Introduction to Writing Aquarium iBooks» * Analysis Presets in Rybka Aquarium * Large-scale Analysis with Rybka Aquarium * Infinite Analysis with Rybka Aquarium * Interview with the Developers of Rybka 3 * Game Analysis with Rybka Aquarium * Rybka Aquarium FAQ * Get on Swimmingly * Rybka Aquarium: Interview with the Developers [/more] Языки интерфейса: Language versions: English and German versions are available. Системные требования: System requirements: PC, 256 MB RAM, 4GB of free disk space, Windows 7/2000/XP/Vista. Внимание! Администрация форума настоятельно рекомендует всем пользователям желающим постоянно работать с данным модулем купить лицензионную версию программы и использовать только её во избежание различных трудностей и проблем связанных с несовместимостью софта и железа на вашем рабочем компьютере. Нижеприведенные ссылки даются только с целью ознакомления и последующего удаления с вашей машины. HOT!!! NEW!!! HOT!!! Руководство Прежде всего доступен подробный мануал: Aquarium2010.pdf Aquarium2010.doc Бета Версия 3.9.0 Предварительная бета-версия уже доступна: [hideguest] Rybka Aquarium 2010 Beta (3.9.0 build 169) aq390a_169.ZIP - rapidshare.de aq390a_169.ZIP - mediafire.com aq390a_169.ZIP - ifolder.ru aq390a_169.ZIP - spaadyshare.com aq390a_169.ZIP - ifile.it [/hideguest] Нужно в папке со старым установленным Аквариумом заменить оригинальный exe на тот, что в архиве. Шахматные Базы Аквариума 2010 [more][hideguest]CAP - an analysis tree with 30 000 000 Rybka evaluations — DOWNLOAD 280.8 MB Last-Modified: Tue, 01 Dec 2009 20:11:24 GMT Correspondence - a database with 400 000 top Corrsepondence chess games — DOWNLOAD 54.2 MB Last-Modified: Tue, 01 Dec 2009 20:11:24 GMT HugeBase - a database with 4 000 000+ games — DOWNLOAD 725.6 MB Last-Modified: Thu, 03 Dec 2009 16:52:38 GMT HugeStatistics - a statistics tree with 4 000 000+ games — DOWNLOAD 540.9 MB Last-Modified: Tue, 01 Dec 2009 17:19:32 GMT[/hideguest][/more] Rybka Aquarium 2010+FAQ+HELP [hideguest][more]Rybka Aquarium FAQ + статьи по Рыбке Аквариум Подготовили: Vitamix, immortal223, Dohtur при участии 17 61 страница в pdf rapidshare.com - Rybka_Aquarium_FAQ.rar ifolder.ru - Rybka_Aquarium_FAQ.rar slil.ru - Rybka_Aquarium_FAQ.rar mediafire.com - Rybka_Aquarium_FAQ.rar spaadyshare.com - Rybka_Aquarium_FAQ.rar depositfiles.com - Rybka_Aquarium_FAQ.rar rapidshare.de - Rybka_Aquarium_FAQ.rar ifile.it - Rybka_Aquarium_FAQ.rar Также встречаем оригинальную русскую СПРАВКУ (HELP) к Рыбке Аквариум 3 В формате DOC: rapidshare.com - Rybka_help_rus.rar ifolder.ru - Rybka_help_rus.rar ifile.it - Rybka_help_rus.rar depositfiles.com - Rybka_help_rus.rar spaadyshare.com - Rybka_help_rus.rar mediafire.com - Rybka_help_rus.rar В формате PDF: rapidshare.com - Rybka_rus_PDF.rar ifolder.ru - Rybka_rus_PDF.rar depositfiles.com - Rybka_rus_PDF.rar rapidshare.de - Rybka_rus_PDF.rar spaadyshare.com - Rybka_rus_PDF.rar ifile.it - Rybka_rus_PDF.rar mediafire.com - Rybka_rus_PDF.rar slil.ru - Rybka_rus_PDF.rar Setup / Установка: 1) download one of the following installation packages / загрузите инсталлятор: spaadyshare.com - ChessOKAquarium2010Setup.exe rapidshare.com - ChessOKAquarium2010Setup.exe mediafire.com - ChessOKAquarium2010Setup.exe 2) download this small tool / загрузите эту малюсенькую программку: rapidshare.de -Enable_Button.7z (just run this EnBtn.exe while installing Aquarium, and it will enable the 'Next' button even without having to enter any S/N / запустите EnBtn.exe во время установки Aquarium'а, таким образом кнопка 'Next' станет активной даже без ввода серийного номера) 3)patch: spaadyshare.net - Aqua2010_fix2.zip [/more][/hideguest] Rybka Aquarium 2010 Update Only 4.0.1 [more][hideguest]Aquarium 2010 Update to version 4.0.1 [quote]We are presenting the first (minor) update to Aquarium 2010. You can download it using ChessOK Downloader. The resource is /Aquarium/Aquarium 2010/Update The download size is 7.5 Mb. HTTP link: http://www.chessok.com/download/Aquarium/Aquarium401Full.exe What's new: (also available in the Aquarium FAQ) Features ======================= * 'Go to game number' menu item in the games list * IDeA Presentation options allow to customize some IDeA behaviour * IDeA warns you if you start it with more than one active project (this warning can be switched off in the Presentation options) Bugfixes ======================= * Fixed inability to launch a search from the game view * Opening commentary now works * 'Preferred side' is not reset upon pressing 'Apply changes' * Some fixes to CBH reading and converting * Fixed the 'IDeA options' dialog OK button not doing anything * Default layouts for IDeA Control Center and IDeA Project View now exist * IDeA: Fixed the excess task adding when searching for alternatives in the root node * Changed the column name in IDeA engine list from '#' to 'Count'[/quote][/hideguest][/more] Сборка Rybka Aquarium 2010+Portable версия 4.0.1 December 9, 2009 [more][hideguest][quote] - Updated to version 4.0.1 (thanks никел/Nickel for applying the CBF/dux patch, and to immortal223 for the link) - Included Chess Planet (thanks ms 13 for the link, and of course, for the original setup) - Updated the vcredist_x86 to a newer version (from Microsoft) Note: During installation, the buggy Aquarium update patcher will give you an error message. Just click OK, it still works. This is not my fault. Lets hope that ChessOK will fix this when they release a new update. Unfortunately, even the update version of vcredist_x86 installer still leaves a mess on the systemdrive after installation. I dont like that, but I still haven't made up a decision on what to do about it. I will do some testing if this component is really necessary to run Aquarium and its components. If not, I will probably remove it in the future updated releases to remove the clutter and to reduce the size of the installer. Besides, Aquarium was created using Borland Delphi, so I dont really understand why ChessOK added the vcredist_x86 to the setup. Name: DeepAquarium2010Setup401.exe CRC32: 9FA402D8 MD5: 30D5847D998429167014CCF6BCFB63F7 SHA-1: 775D26A58E96590423E246C52EEE5FDF666768D3[/quote] Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?mnzbnjmoiij [/hideguest] [hideguest][quote] Here is my attempt to make a virtualized version of Aquarium 2010 v4.01. It took me about 10 tries before I finally decided to remove the vcredist_x86.exe. I want to make my packages as clean as possible, but that component messes up everything, and inflates the file size to 100MB. This package was created under a clean Windows 7 32-bit environment, and I have no way to test if it works on older versions. Use at your own risk, and let me know if there's any problem. Note: It is highly recommended to run this as an administrator. Name: Deep Rybka 3 Aquarium 2010.exe CRC32: 06888A6D MD5: 2729139535922486127E62A4F6253D71 SHA-1: 2B9824F43DCAF41B67B2258B3D806DC884C41F0D [/quote] Again, please use at your own risk. I cannot guarantee that this is going to work on all systems because of that removed component. Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?nimlm21ynmz [/hideguest][/more] ChessOK Aquarium 2010 Thread in the English section

Ответов - 234, стр: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 All

Renegat23: RamzesII, Вы раньше переводили ChessAssistant 10. Может вспомнить молодость и перевести новую акву? Можно как нить скооперироваться. Дело в том, что русской версии аквы вроде не ожидается даже...

immortal223: Renegat23 пишет: Можно как нить скооперироваться. Дело в том, что русской версии аквы вроде не ожидается даже... Можно закрыть наш форум, тогда может быть российские разработчики и снизойдут до того, чтоб уважить и родного юзера. А так работают только на забугорных граждан. Это и понятно, деньги (патриотизмом) не пахнут, а платят охотнее те, кто побогаче. Так что русскоязычный рынок убыточен (пока есть мы ). Ведь подумать только - написать ЦЕЛУЮ справку на русском и сделать русификатор - это ТАК тяжело.

Renegat23: immortal223 пишет: Ведь подумать только - написать ЦЕЛУЮ справку на русском Справка давно написана.

immortal223: Renegat23 пишет: Справка давно написана. Старая

Renegat23: immortal223 пишет: А так работают только на забугорных граждан. Это и понятно, деньги (патриотизмом) не пахнут, а платят охотнее те, кто побогаче. Так что русскоязычный рынок убыточен (пока есть мы ) Не соглашусь. Аудитория форума только на треть (всего то 30%!) из России. Все остальное - ближнее и дальнее зарубежье. Это не по зарегенным юзерам, а вообще по хостам. Так что....

immortal223: Renegat23 Зато по оплатам у чессок явно расклад другой. Если процентов 10 русских оплатили - то это много

N1mTzo: immortal223 пишет: Она все столбцы прописывает? там же с ней идёт много дополнительных столбцов Всё тоже самое показывает, что и в старом аквариуме. Только в новом у некоторых столбцов другие названия (Total - Games). При желании руками можно все настроить. НУ и галочки в настройках выставить- что показывать, а что- нет.

CBF: immortal223 writes: You know the answer - CBF working on it right now No, right now I was working on something else, and here's my result: [hideguest] http://www.spaadyshare.net/3593wq1c5vgx/Aqua2010_fix.zip [/hideguest] As usual just unzip it and run Patch.bat. I've also included a dummy registry file, but with my patch not even this registry entry is needed. Test it and let me know if anything doesn't work ...

immortal223: Кто-нить знает что это за новая штука такая?

immortal223: CBF Tested, working! No need serial, so we can even use installed A2010 as Portable from now on, as GUI do not request reg-info from the Regisrty!

Renegat23: immortal223 пишет: Кто-нить знает что это за новая штука такая? Цитата из Хелпа: The Options button opens a dialog box where you can set all options for the tree configuration and each tree in the configuration. Quick Load is an easy way to change the trees in the current tree view. In this example "Total" represents one of the statistics column in the tree view and I can select a new statistics tree by selecting "Browse...". Rybka Aquarium also keeps a list of recently used trees, and in most cases you will find the tree you need in that list. In this example the list only has one tree, "statistics\d2m." After a new tree has been selected, the tree window will be updated to show the data from the newly selected tree. This opens up new and easier method for the average user to modify tree views. Most users will only use a few tree configurations

anaconda: I´m afraid I didnt got it. I downloaded 2 things: 1. ChessOKAquarium2010Setup 2. Aqua 2010 fix.zip Where to start? If I start with file 1 first I cannot go on as it is impossible to press button "next" and I dont have the serial number.... If I start with file 2 first it says "aquarium.exe not found" (obviously as there is no aquarium installed yet. What am I doing wrong?

immortal223: anaconda 1) Install ChessOKAquarium2010.exe using Enable Button tool that you can find above 2) Extract Aqua 2010 fix.zip into ChessOK Aquarium 2010 folder 3) Run Patch.bat 4) Run ChessOK Aquarium 2010 from the shortcut 5) That's all!

protoc: immortal223 writes: No need serial, Without serial can it access online "6 men Tablebases"?

GG: Immortal, Why don't you make a portable version of this Aquarium? I think it would be great. GG.

tukzar: immortal 223 пишет: Кто-нить знает что это за новая штука такая? Quick Load напрямую связана с колонкой Quick в диалоге который вызывается по кнопке Options (та что выше кнопки Quick Load). Как только помечаешь галочкой какую-то строку, то для соответствующей колонки дерева становится доступна кнопка Quick Load. Удобнее переключать деревья, например, в IDEA, не меняя Tree configuration.

anaconda: Immortal223 Большое спасибо! Теперь все совершенно функционирует!

immortal223: protoc пишет: Without serial can it access online "6 men Tablebases"? Yes, this is the only issue.

никел: Hi CBF. Tried your patch, but it is still requesting the serial, can someone confirm?

elenab: Sorry, on my MS Vista programm still ask me Enter Serial Number after patching .

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